It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. USDA hardiness : 4-Habitats : Swamps, low groun woods and thic. Amelanchier canadensis (Canadian Serviceberry) is a dense, upright, multi- stemmed large shrub or small tree with a delicate, dome-shaped crown. America - Nova Scotia to O. Previously known as:. Show All Show Tabs Canadian serviceberry . Back to search.

Additional Attributes. CANADIAN SERVICEBERRY, SHADBUSH . Downy serviceberry is an upright, twiggy . Description: Canadian Serviceberry is a wildlife-friendly, large deciduous shrub. Drooping clusters of slightly fragrant, white flowers bloom before leaves appear, . Serviceberries (or Juneberries) are native deciduous shrubs with edible fruit. Shadblow Serviceberry has a suckering habit but can grow to the size of small tree . Find amelanchier canadensis stock images in HD and millions of other royalty- free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. It has the added bonus of being one of the most striking plants for autumn.
Amelanchier Canadensis is also known as Canadian service-berry, shadblow serviceberry, juneberry, shadbush and or junebusha deciduous small shrub tree. Shadblow is a Serviceberry and is one of the first native trees to bloom in the spring. The fragrant flowers will appear before the leaves and attract. Virginia Tech Dendrology. Listen to the Latin symbol: AMCALeaf: Alternate, simple.

Naturally a large shrub. When trained as a single stemmed tree, it forms a tree with erect branches and a narrow shape. In summer time the leaves are dark . Petits fruits très appréciés des oiseaux et comestibles. Nom commun: Amélanchier du Canada. Find the perfect amelanchier canadensis stock photo.
Common name: Shadblow. Thicket Serviceberry. Pronunciation: am-e-LANG-kee-er kan-a-DEN-sis.

A taxonomic species within the family Rosaceae — the Canadian serviceberry, . This is one of my favorite native small trees, and this . Juneberry and serviceberry species are popular shrubs and trees that are celebrating their renaissance at the beginning of the new millennium.
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